Thursday, December 25, 2008

White Christmas

It has snowed so much lately and today we awoke to a very beautiful landscape of snow.  The kids were up bright and early but we made them wait until 7am before we went downstairs for the gift frenzy.  Gillian was hilarious with her excitement over everything.  Gavin was bouncing off the walls and very excited about his new nerf gun and mountain bike.  Drew was pretty quiet and had a big huge smile on her face.  She was very concerned that Santa forgot to put any bones in George's stocking.  I think Santa was either too busy or George came down in the middle of the night and got the bones out of his stocking and ate them.  Drew believes the latter theory, but still asks every hour if that's what I think happened.  Such a sweet, thoughtful girl.  
We had brunch at the Greenhalgh's this year instead of dinner because Ruthie had to work at 2pm.  Luckily we have Darren's big white truck so we made it through the snow.  It seriously snowed all day, and huge flakes too.  I just love it.  I know that a lot of people are not loving the snow, but to me it is a welcome change from the rain.  

Gavin and his icicle sword.  As long as it's pointy he will make it into a weapon.

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