Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pretty, Pretty Princess

Since we were snowed out of church on Sunday we had plenty of time to hang out, and luckily my manly man was kind enough to indulge his little girl with a game of Pretty Pretty Princess. Notice all of the jewels he is adorned with, that means he is winning and surely the game will be played and replayed until the real little princess wins.  I think he looks pretty good in a crown and earrings and rings.  Mostly I just love that he plays with the kids.  Of course if you play one game with Gill she will try to monopolize your day with Sardines, Sorry, and any game she can think up. Darren did play catch with her for a while too.  She's like a sponge that is never fully satiated, keeps coming back for attention.  I'm pretty sure I would flunk English these days because I don't think that last sentence made sense but I'm leaving it anyway.

Gavin and Drew were plenty fine just hanging out on Sunday unsupervised and un-entertained. Actually I did play a game of Stratego with Gavin and I WON!  He immediately asked for a rematch.  What is it with my kids and winning?

The other day Gillian brought home a paper snowman that someone had made for her.  So of course she came right home and got out all of the construction paper to make a friend for her snowman.  I thought that she was quite ingenius with her little snowman friend.  

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