Thursday, December 4, 2008

Soccer season and Love notes

Thought I'd catch up on what the 8 weeks of September and October were like for me and the girls.  Soccer, soccer, soccer.  Sounds so cliche to be a soccer mom, but truly that about sums up what my life was.  Between the 2 girls there was Gill's practice Monday, Drew's Tuesday, then both on Thursday for an hour each practice--4 hours a week of practice.  Then each had a game on Saturday.  Sometimes the games overlapped so I had to quickly drop off one girl, run the other to the other field across town, rush back to the other..... Darren was out of town a lot.  

Gillian's team was the Fireflies.  This was her first season playing soccer and she treated every game like it was the world cup.  She was like Speedy Gonzales on the field and she was so darn cute when she jumped up and down squealing when she scored a goal.  It was such a joy to watch her move her little legs so fast, she has such determination.  She has the speed and needs to just work on ball control.  She will be a fierce competitor when she can control that ball.  

Drew also played for the first time on a team this year.  She was on the Eagles team and they played on a bigger field than Gill, thus less goals were scored (a major source of bragging for Gillian).  However, on her very last game Drew scored a goal and was so happy.  We were so proud of her.  It's been a nice break to not be a soccer mom for the past several weeks but part of me misses it and they are going stir-crazy.  Luckily gymnastics starts tomorrow.  

As for Gavin, it's a workout to get him to get his homework done.  He does have to keep an exercise log for PE though which has resulted in an increase of bike rides and scootering.

As far as love notes, these are a few from Drew that she left in everyones beds last night.  It was an assignment from her teacher to do something nice for someone in your family but don't let them know who did it.  So she left us all notes, not signed with her name.  It was so awesome, EXCEPT.... Gillian demanded to know who left it.  When Drew said it was maybe a secret admirer this did not bring any satisfaction to Gill.  She needed to know who it was from right now or she wouldn't be able to sleep, and lets face it, I need her to sleep.  So she was all freaked out that there is a secret admirer/ predator lurking around our house, perhaps hiding in her closet waiting to get her when the lights go out.  Agh!  Then I go to Drew's room and she has tears, real tears flowing down her cheeks because her good deed was going awry and she was afraid her teacher would be mad.  Such a sensitive, sweet, thoughtful little soul.  Then back to Gill's room where she's clutching her stuffed bear waiting for a predator/monster/admirer. Finally she said "I think it's Drew, it looks like her writing".  I said nothing, maybe I gave a slight nod.  Just GO TO SLEEP!  She ended up in our bed and at 3am I transfered her to her sweet sisters bed.  

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