Tuesday, December 2, 2008


The children are all about decorating the house for the holidays.  We worked tirelessly on glitter snowflakes.  Gillian's friend Jianna is here almost every day after school and today they made quite a few snowflakes.  Gavin was busy running an errand on his bike.  He and Joel rode down to Staples for some new school supplies.  So grown up.  But Drew joined in on the snowflake madness.  So much fun!  So much cleanup!  So worth it.

All day I had to listen to Gillian beg to put the ornaments on the tree.  I somehow held her off till dad got home and we had dinner and baths.  Wow, it wasn't easy.  She is a persistent little creature.  We need a bigger tree in order to fit all of our ornaments.  I keep trying to evenly disperse them but then they mysteriously end up in groupings of about 7 on one tiny branch.  The kids love all of their personal ornaments given to them from grandmas.  One of my favorites is one from Grandma Greenhalgh of a little red-headed boy with angel wings.  Gav is very proud of that one.  

Gillian's newest Santa game that she has created.  You have to put all of the presents in Santa's bag while blindfolded.  Brilliant.

I love having all the decorations up and smelling the wonderful aroma of our overly decorated tree.  Such a great time of year!

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