Sunday, December 14, 2008

First snow and Santa

The weatherman has been promising a big snowstorm that was supposed to hit on Saturday.  Everyone waited anxiously, looking out the windows every five minutes, calling the weatherman a liar.  It's all his fault!  Then an excited frenzy started when the first flakes began to fall.  Gillian ran around the cul-de-sac with her mouth open and tongue out trying to catch flakes.  I know you can't see it in the picture but there really are flakes gently falling from the sky.  Nothing really stuck until late last night.  Then this morning we got the call at 8am that church was canceled because of the trace of snow and ice on the roads.  Funny.  But I did anticipate this last night so I stayed up until 2am working on Christmas projects (which I will reveal later since Drew is standing next to me reading this).

Then came our annual visit to get Santa pictures at Alderwood Mall.  This is our fourth year with this same Santa and it's fun to see how the kids change so much each year.  Drew was so nervous to ask Santa for what she wants that she said her stomach hurt.  My stomach hurt too when she told me that she would ask him for a new puppy to keep George company.  Yeah, thats just what I need.  Santa, in his wisdom said that both parents have to give permission for that one.  Way to pass the buck Santa.  So of course I said we would have to ask dad.  Way to pass the buck Cyn.  Pretty sure Darren will put that ball back in my court.  Ughh!  She didn't even have a backup gift idea so I told her she better write Santa quickly and we would get the letter in the mail tomorrow.  So far all she has talked about today is a new dog and she has taken a poll of what kind of dog each family member would want.  Darren says a Lab, Drew another Bichon, Gavin a Great Dane, Gillian a Wiener Dog, and me a stuffed animal dog of any breed, I'm not picky.  (Or a horse like I asked for every year of my life,  I'm really not picky!)  


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