Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Days

Snow days started yesterday, which means there was no school.  All of the school districts around here cancelled school yesterday due to the huge snowstorm that was forecast to hit. However, the snow didn't start falling until 6pm so in my mind (and all other parents I know) it was a waste of a day off school.  I mean, I have lots and lots of stuff to do.  It has been snowing since last night and we do have quite a lot of coverage which means school will be cancelled tomorrow as well, and then it's winter vacation.  Which also means that Gillian won't get the plate that she painted at school and I'm going to have to hear about for the next 2 weeks.  She's even told the neighbors about it.  Maybe I should go buy a plain white plate and let her paint it to get her off my back. For now she is content to play nonstop in the snow with friends.
Yesterday started like this....

and ended like this....

and continues on into today like this....

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